Elazar Leibovich wrote:
On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 8:02 AM, Shachar Shemesh <shac...@shemesh.biz
<mailto:shac...@shemesh.biz>> wrote:
Elazar Leibovich wrote:
I tried using valgrind in a different project. The main problems
I've had with valgrind are speed
Yes, that is known.
and false positives.
That one is new to me. Can you elaborate?
IIRC the problem was using a different library, and tracing which
problems are yours and which are of the library.
See for instance this
rant http://www.mega-nerd.com/erikd/Blog/CodeHacking/house_of_cards.html
I haven't really got into this, so maybe the suprresion files does allow
you to quickly fix it.
suppressions are very easy to generate (after you learn to spell the
word ;) - you run valgrind with the flag "--gen-suppressions" - and
every time it hits a problem - it will ask you whether to generage a
suppression. if you say yes, it'll print the suppression info on screen.
you copy this to a file, edit it a little to your liking (to make it a
bit more general - i.e. not depend on the specific part in your code
that invoked the problematic 3rd-part library), and it works.
by the way - we had real false-positives in valgrind, that were fixed in
a later valgrind version. so you will have to check this as well.
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