I created a new account and tried to send again to cellcom numbers (from
windows) and it failed with the same error. Can someone confirm it happens
the same in linux?

Can someone call cellcom and ask what happened?

On Thu, Dec 31, 2009 at 1:59 PM, sara fink <sara.f...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I tried today to send sms to cellcom via icq (done in this case from a
> windows machine) and it said
> *SMS in Israel can only be sent to Orange and Pelephone.For more details
> see* http://www.icq.com/sms
> It worked until yesterday just fine.
> I haven't tried with linux yet, because I am not near the computer with the
> vicq script.
> Can anyone confirm if the problem persists in linux and/or windows?
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