On Fri, Dec 11, 2009, Rafi Gordon wrote about "firefox and Bank Leumi web site":
>  I saw that Bank Leumi web site  is alleged to
> finally support FireFox under Linux.
> I would like to hear if anyone has had any experience with it lately.

The sad truth is that it "almost" works under Firefox. Close, but no cigar.

When you start using it, you get the impression that it works.
You can do view your balance and do a couple of other things that
everyone checks at first.
But then you start to discover things that simply do not function.
For example, you cannot buy or sell stocks (or bonds, mutual funds, and
so on). Some convenience buttons that work on IE simply don't work on

So the situation is better than it used to be (previously, it wasn't
even possible to login using Firefox), but there's still some way to
go before you could use just Firefox to access Bank Leumi's site.

Nadav Har'El                        |     Tuesday, Dec 15 2009, 28 Kislev 5770
n...@math.technion.ac.il             |-----------------------------------------
Phone +972-523-790466, ICQ 13349191 |Always go to other people's funerals,
http://nadav.harel.org.il           |otherwise they won't come to yours.

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