On Friday 04 September 2009 02:19:23 Boaz Rymland wrote:
> *Maker + Model:* Acer 5738ZG. That's a little upgraded in comparison to
> the original model suggested - with 4GB RAM and NVIDIA GPU. The rest of
> the specs are the same.
> *Distro Installed: *Ubuntu 9.04, amd64.*
> *X: *This laptop model is equipped with NVIDIA G105M chipset. I didn't
> work out of the box: ubuntu installed its latest nvidia drivers but
> those were too old to know this card. When vesa or some other default
> driver was used, X run, but not in optimal resolution and no
> acceleration. I battled it too much apparently and all you need to do is
> install the latest drivers from nvidia (185), skipping the ubuntu repos
> driver, and use a nice(?) xorg.conf I've found on the web (for laptops
> with my GPU/screen specs).
> *Anything else? *mail me for questions... .

I'd like to see you post exactly what you did in order to get X running. Where 
did you get the drivers? Where in your filesystem did you put them? How did you 
tell Ubuntu's package manager they were custom? Did you alter System-
>Administration->software_sources? What's the URL of the xorg.conf?

The process you used is a somewhat generic solution to the ongoing problem of 
video hardware that's newer than the distribution.

I REALLY appreciate the fact that you took the time to post your [SOLVED] 
solution. When googling for error messages, I typically get 50 questions for 
every answer. Most people, upon answering it for themselves, don't consider 
others trying to walk the same path.



Steve Litt
Recession Relief Package
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