
I use a Kingston one I bought without thinking about the drivers and it works 
as promised

Noam Rathaus
Beyond Security

-----Original Message-----
From: Omer Zak <w...@zak.co.il>

Date: Tue, 28 Jul 2009 13:55:45 
To: linux-il<linux-il@cs.huji.ac.il>
Subject: Attempt to buy a Linux-compatible Bluetooth dongle

I visited a nearby computer shop, and asked which Bluetooth dongles do
they have, and whether they are compatible with Linux.

They have four models, which are mostly difficult to identify (typically
made in China and with no clear model number):
- BT-USB-P Dynamode
- HK-890/USB04B (Min. of Communications approval No. 5113614)
- One more model without anything which looks like a model number

The boxes list compatibility with various MS-Windows operating systems,
emphasizing Vista-ready.  One of them claims also compatiblity with Mac
OS X.  None of them mentioned Linux compatibility.

Of course, to find the USB ID of the dongles (the surefire way to check
Linux compatibility), one has to open the packages and insert the
dongles into a PC, one by one.  Not exactly the idea which endears one
to the computer shop personnel.

I then looked for the above putative model names in
http://www.bluetooth.org/tpg/listings.cfm and none of the above was

So I am asking the group for recent experiences in buying Bluetooth
dongles and trying to use them in Debian Lenny (or other distributions
using version 3.36-3 of bluez) - how safe is it nowadays to buy a
no-name brand of a Bluetooth dongle for use in a Linux system?

                                            --- Omer

One does not make peace with enemies.  One makes peace with former
My own blog is at http://www.zak.co.il/tddpirate/

My opinions, as expressed in this E-mail message, are mine alone.
They do not represent the official policy of any organization with which
I may be affiliated in any way.
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