Dotan Shavit wrote:
On Monday 22 June 2009, Meir Michanie wrote:
Hi List,
I would like to know if anyone in the list can give me some advise on
network wiring in a house.
My advise  is "Don't".
Use wireless network.

Exactly. Electromagnetic waves are neat, easily relocatable and easily upgradeable. I use WiFi at home and am absolutely happy with it. It is fast enough for 99% of all uses. When, once in a couple of months, I need to transfer more than few hundreds of MB, I just use a USB stick. Only once over the course of last couple of years, I needed to backup a whole HD, so I actually had to take a computer to another room and connect it back-to-back. Still easier than having the walls drilled.

But be sure to do your reading about Linux support for any NIC you are about to buy.

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