Since all the Culmus fonts have CLM in them you can get the list as below.
You can also see the fonts at .

You should also compare the various DejaVu  fonts, as I believe that most
fontconfig configurations just settle for them when using generic fonts like
"sans" and "serif".


prompt> fc-list| grep -i CLM
David CLM:style=Medium Italic
Frank Ruehl CLM:style=Medium
Drugulin CLM:style=Bold Italic
Ellinia CLM:style=Light
Ellinia CLM:style=Bold Italic
Ellinia CLM:style=Light Italic
Yehuda CLM:style=Bold
Aharoni CLM:style=Bold Oblique
Aharoni CLM:style=Book
Aharoni CLM:style=Bold
David CLM:style=Medium
Miriam Mono CLM:style=Bold Oblique
Miriam Mono CLM:style=Book Oblique
Nachlieli CLM:style=Light
Caladings CLM:style=Regular
Ellinia CLM:style=Bold
Frank Ruehl CLM:style=Medium Oblique
Miriam CLM:style=Bold
Miriam CLM:style=Book
Miriam Mono CLM:style=Bold
Miriam Mono CLM:style=Book
Nachlieli CLM:style=Light Oblique
Nachlieli CLM:style=Bold
Nachlieli CLM:style=Bold Oblique
David CLM:style=Bold
Drugulin CLM:style=Bold
Aharoni CLM:style=Book Oblique
Frank Ruehl CLM:style=Bold
Frank Ruehl CLM:style=Bold Oblique
Yehuda CLM:style=Light

2009/6/14 Dotan Cohen <>

> > I'm curious what you don't like with the Culmus fonts that are standard
> in
> > Linux distributions. Or with the Hebrew glyphs of DejaVu font for that
> > matter. Is it font shape or kerning that is bothering you? Can you give
> an
> > example?
> >
> Thanks a good question, Dov, and I want to give to you a good answer.
> What are the names of the Culmus fonts? I will write a sentence and
> display it in the different fonts, including the Vista fonts, so that
> I could point out exactly why I prefer the MS fonts. The truth is,
> I've only briefly seen the Vista fonts, but it was long enough for me
> to say "wow, I like that!".
> --
> Dotan Cohen
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