Hi Boris,

Asking about the topic is pretty much polling linux-il readers about their
work area. A survey of industries in Israel would be more helpful. And
better - industries with a good enough status to hire. So I ignore this one.

As a potential employer, the most important thing for me when I look at a
project is :

*how much you had to learn on your own, beyond the things officially taught
in frontal lessons
*how much of the design was your own, and what guidance you got.
*how enthusiastic you are about what you do.
*your view of the project

On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 10:34 PM, Boris shtrasman <borissh1...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Hello.
> In the next few months I need to choose the final project for my
> engineering studies (B.Sc in Software Eng.).
> I have experience in many (unrelated ) areas so  today i believe that
> i can study and develop almost in any area (as far as my science
> knowledge and experience can be used as basis).
> I worked ( developed ) with VoIP (Openser , gateways etc ... )  and
> MainFrame (IT , backups , Networking etc ... ) , with DSP and Aviation
> mechanics , with CAD and printing systems (Cups and Smartprint) so as
> you can see for a total beginner i have a good starting point.
> So i believe that the basis is OK.
> Since i don't really see a pool of project that i can choose from i
> come to ask here .
> As an employer  would you prefer  Bioinformatics / Cryptography /
> Networking / HighSpeed Networks / Robotics project ?
> What is more important the project theme or the guide (מנחה) ?
>  ------------ Boris Shtrasman -----------------
> |Gnu/Linux Software developer                  |
> | IM       : bori...@jabber.org                |
> | Blog     : myrtfm.blogspot.com               |
> | linkedIn : 
> www.linkedin.com/in/BorisShtrasman|<http://www.linkedin.com/in/BorisShtrasman%7C>
>  -----------------------------------------------
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