On Tue, May 19, 2009 at 10:39 PM, Boaz Rymland <b...@rymland.com> wrote:

> geoffrey mendelson wrote:
>  After 3 days of running it can not make a connection to the outisde world.
>> I have to reboot to get it to work. Other computers runing Ubuntu have the
>> same problem, 3 days after they were booted, but ones running other
>> operating systems don't.
> I had a similar issue that was resolved when I switched to a PCI ethernet
> adapter with different chipset.
> In my case it seemed as if the network "total loss" was related to long
> periods of idle time - overnight and such. I suspected that whatever power
> management or other idle-time related mechanism wasn't functioning ok.
> Replacing the NIC resolved it.
> Ubuntu is not perfect.
> I hope the descriptions here are not a sign of a major issue with this
> release.
> To the good or worse, its (arguably) one of the best Linux distros out
> there and most likely the first recommended by many to be your grandma's
> Windows replacement.
> I also get irritated by it at times, but I also got irritated by Gentoo
> (eventually it took me took much time to simply maintain it) and you can
> find similar problems in any distro - even if you a true Linux zealot :-)
> Boaz.
> I still have some problems, - strange sound problems.
Also, my laptop doesn't shut down anymore, i have to do it manually with
ctrl-sysrq-S ctrl-sysrq-O.
(i have fixed it by editing /etc/init.d/halt and removing the '-i' and '-h'
from the halt command, which are not really needed in linux. now it shuts

but the major issue i see, is that many things in ubuntu are gui dependant:
1. I have no network connection unless i login to an X session. -
previously, if i was in a hurry I would have switch to VT1 and do whatever i
liked without waiting for the X session to settle and open a terminal.
currently I can't do that with network dependent things, as there is no
network without logging in to an X session.
2. many things are only configurable by GUI and not by command line, so i
can not configure via VT or remotely via ssh.

It seems that wanting to make linux more "DUMB-USER FRIENDLY", ubuntu forgot
that linux is more than word processors and browsers. it is a system that
makes everything more productable by using scripts, pipes, filters (e.g.
sed, awk, etc ) etc...
they focused more on making it MS-WIDOWS-LIKE.
I appreciate ubuntu making it more easier to use, but they shouldn't forget
its a linux system ...

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