I also mentioned that they won't represent at court. But they do help with
counceling, formulating, pointing to the right part in the law. I got some
very good advices from them in other matter.

On Thu, May 7, 2009 at 2:34 PM, Shachar Shemesh <shac...@shemesh.biz> wrote:

>  sara fink wrote:
> Dotan, well done. I suggest you to write a draft of the law suit and ask
> the help of emun hatzibur. They have lawyers and will help you to write  it
> better. They won't go to the court with you, but they can give you the legal
> parts of the law, help you further http://www.emun.org/
> Just a note about lawyers and the spam law:
> The amounts awarded as part of the spam law are too small for a lawyer to
> be able to take on the case and make a profit. Even when working with
> non-profit lawyers (such as, I am guessing, Emun Hazibur), the amounts are
> still only really relevant for small claims court, and you are not allowed
> to be represented by a lawyer there.
> Do contact them, as they may help with preparing the suite and with
> counseling, but they will not represent you in small claims court (or,
> likely, any other court).
> Shachar
> --
> Shachar Shemesh
> Lingnu Open Source Consulting Ltd.http://www.lingnu.com
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