Hi all! (This is a reminder for the upcoming meeting.)
The Tel Aviv Open Source Club will host the second part of a series of talks by Gabor Szabo ( http://www.szabgab.com/ ) about "Introduction to Perl 6" - on 05-April-2009 (next Sunday). The meeting will take place at Tel Aviv University, at the Schreiber Maths&CS building, room 008 on 18:30. So mark your calendars. For more information can be found at: * http://www.cs.tau.ac.il/telux/ * http://wiki.osdc.org.il/index.php/Tel_Aviv_Meeting_on_05_April_2009 Attendance is free and everyone are welcome. With any other problems, feel free to contact me: http://www.shlomifish.org/me/contact-me/ Abstract: --------- Introduction to Perl 6. A series of presentations on learning and using Perl 6 from the ground up to the special features. Many would think that Perl 6 is just a new version of Perl and that it might only be interesting for Perl programmers. However, Perl 6 is in fact a compiled language running on a virtual machine that embraces many new concepts not found in most programming languages. The presentations will be equally interesting for Perl, Java and C# programmers. During the series of talks we will start by learning the basics of the language and will get to various high level concepts. For now we plan 2 sessions but if we need more time we'll schedule more meetings. Note After the talk we go to the café at the main entrance where we can continue the discussion. If people bring portable computers, we can get the off the ground on the spot. VirtualBox images will be provided with everything that is needed for playing with Perl 6 set up inside. So you may opt to bring a computer with VirtualBox installed. ---------- We are always looking for presentations on interesting topics. If you have an interesting idea for a talk, feel free to contact us and we'll co-ordinate a date. Regards, Shlomi Fish _______________________________________________ Linux-il mailing list Linux-il@cs.huji.ac.il http://mailman.cs.huji.ac.il/mailman/listinfo/linux-il