I read with great interest the plea  for help to remain in Linux instead of  
returning to Windows. One of the major concerns I have on this issue is the use 
of programmes like Wine and other emulators. If using these programmes I feel 
in some way that it is a form of cheating on oneself. Are we in Linux or are we 
in Windows? When do we actually cross the line? Even with all the tweaking that 
I may have to do to get a stubborn programme to work with Linux, I like using 
it and feel comfortable using it. Regarding Office programmes, yes there are 
more options in the Microsoft Office version, but as a person who has learnt 
Technical Writing, I would say that most people do not use even half of these 
options; they can easily get away with using Open Office. Likewise with other 
programmes that may need some tweaking. Sometimes I have to use work arounds to 
get the job done - don't think that this  isn't the case with Windows either. 
If someone is happy
 with Linux then it's for him. 
--- On Wed, 25/3/09, Michael Shiloh <michaelshiloh1...@gmail.com> wrote:

From: Michael Shiloh <michaelshiloh1...@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: I don't want to do it under Windows ; please help
To: "Dan Shimshoni" <danshi...@gmail.com>
Cc: "linux-il" <linux-il@cs.huji.ac.il>
Date: Wednesday, 25 March, 2009, 12:29 AM

Have you looked at Inkscape? It's a rather incredible vector drawing program. I 
found it pretty easy to pick up, and I have no drawing program experience. You 
have great control over every single parameter, and there is a great online 

Dan Shimshoni wrote:
> Hello,
>   Please help me to stay with Linux and not
> go back to Windows...
> I had stopped using windows about two years ago;
> though I have a dual boot , I almost did not
> boot into windows in the recent two years.
> I am very satisfied with Linux. Everything
> that I had in Windows I could get in Linux.
> But:
> now, I had to prepare some diagrams. I tried
> with the "dia" tool. I created a diagram and
> converted it to png. The result is reasonable.
> However,...
> I need to draw some arrows in an angle and
> I need to add some text **parallel** to these lines. This means that
> the text should not be
> vertical or horizontal, but in an anlge (30 or 45).
> And it seems that this is **not** possible in dia.
> Does any one know a tool with which it can be done?
> To be more specific, what I need to do as something
> like what is depicted here (and can be done with
> visio):
> http://www.informit.com/articles/article.aspx?p=1087425&seqNum=21
> please look at figure 3.44
> I really do **not** want to use visio for it; not unbder windows and
> not under some virtual machine
> emulating windows and not under wine.
> Any ideas ? Is there such a tool in Linux.
> I want to stress that the final diagrams shold be
> in *.png.
> Rgs,
> DanS
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