On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 06:10:18PM +0200, geoffrey mendelson wrote:
> What do people use? Is there a source of fax modems that work with  
> Hylafax in Israel?
> I dug up an old USR 56k/Fax modem and got Hylafax working. I have one  
> problem with it.
> The modem does not have "adaptive answer". This is a feature where when 
> someone answers
> the phone, the modem silently listens for a CNG (I am fax calling you)  
> tone. Our old fax machine
> did that.

What do you mean? You only get this tone from the remote fax after
answering the line. 

You want to connect this fax along-side a phone and have the fax ignore
non-fax calls?

> Without it if you use your phone line for voice too, you have to hang up 

"you" == the human with the phone.

But the fax will have to answer any call (potentially after a pre-set
number of rings), right?

> and hope the
> calling fax machine retries the connection. With it, the fax machine  
> answers and
> you hang up.
> It's definitely a hardware problem, Hylafax will support it if the modem 
> does, and this one
> does not.

Tzafrir Cohen         | tzaf...@jabber.org | VIM is
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