2009/2/17 Omer Zak <w...@zak.co.il>:
> The split between Linux-IL and gnubies-il was made in order to spare the
> Linux experts from having to waste their time deleting newbie questions.
> Before the split was made, newbie questions caused flame wars and people
> to leave Linux-IL altogether.
> I strongly oppose re-unifying them.
> However, I propose an alternative solution.
> My proposed solution to the problem is to have the Linux-IL old timers
> volunteer to field gnubies-il questions, according to a schedule.
> I volunteer to field gnubies-il questions sent on Mondays between
> 00:00-11:59, with response time of 24 hours.  However, I do not want to
> be overwhelmed with gnubies-il messages sent at other times.  Other
> volunteers, please choose your convenient times (even if they overlap
> mine) for volunteering.
> Can the gnubies-il administrator/s arrange time/schedule based
> subscriptions for volunteers, so that the volunteers will receive only
> messages sent at certain times?  Contact me privately if you need help
> adding this feature to the mailing list management software being used.
>                                      --- Omer

Thanks, Omer, I see your point. I'm no guru, so I won't pull shifts on
the noobs list, but I will subscribe and answer questions whenever I

Dotan Cohen



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