Here is what they posted about two weeks ago -
Jaya is the same of linux-israel. Don't look too confused, I don't know anyone who is using their website, but seems that someone actually using their services. Still, I am agreeing with you that they should not place link to thier website in Wikipedia unless it is really worth it. P.S., exteranl links in Wikipedia are always nofollow'ed. Tomer. On Sun, Feb 15, 2009 at 01:20, Ira Abramov <>wrote: > FYI and FWIMC, I just removed two links from the Hebrew Wikipedia > article "Linux" that pointed to a little consultancy firm called Jaya > who seems to be all into SAP and hates RHAT for some odd reason. The > website seems two weeks old, based on the Forum entries. > > Times are tough, competition is fearce, but spamming is not an option. > If anyone asks you about Jaya, "The Linux Group", Miky Barzilay or the > little "community conference" he's organizing, just give them a heads > up. It may be a legitimate, professional business, but the guy practices > dirty marketing, so he's got a "black point" in my book. > > BTW, his links box hints he's cooperating with Hamakor, What'sup, > Penguin, IGLU and others. umm.... > -- Tomer Cohen Jay London - "My father would take me to the playground, and put me on mood swings."
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