> I think we should send them a really fancy letter with a few dozen > signatures, saying thanks for finally fixing it. I'm not cynical. they > got "nags" and negative rap from us all the years, they need to get > appreciation too. > > Newspaper reporters and people who bump into FOSS zealots in Ynet > talkbacks usually (understandably) see us as a bunch of complaining > elitist techno-snobs. I say we should show our other side and give some > kudos once in a while when someone does the RIGHT thing. > > (In other words, they think we are Hammas, we need to show them we are > not even Fatah, maybe Hada"sh at worst :-) > > Even if it's late and partial, we can send them positive remarks for > congratulating them on how far they've come instead of only (or first) > complaining about what still needs to be done. > > So how about if a bunch of us write Leumi some "thank you" notes, or > send them a big fancy "Thank you" kind of thing with 30 signatures, so > they can frame and hang on their wall, and later we could get companies > to get their sites corrected and we better rap in the press. We can even > join hands the some computer usability SIG or ISOC, ILA or some adult > computer literacy NGO that was helped by this. We should try to try and > make it a bigger, more impressive gesture. > > Is it corny? > - sure, CEOs love corny... > > Is it a bit kitch and looks a little out of integrity? > - Could be, but the long-term benefits are effective dialogs with the > next businesses that run broken sites. > - Ideally, In time, such endoresment might be actually catch on, and > since Hamakor won't be selling them for kickbacks, companies will > actually have to fix sites to get one :-) > > Anyone cares to take this further? > > Ori Idan, are you doing any PR of this kind today? > > Ira. > > (and, as if often does, my random sig pulls out a bull's eye :-) >
If you are a Bank Leumi customer, then write to them and tell them that you thank them. I myself closed my account in 2001. -- Dotan Cohen http://what-is-what.com http://gibberish.co.il א-ב-ג-ד-ה-ו-ז-ח-ט-י-ך-כ-ל-ם-מ-ן-נ-ס-ע-ף-פ-ץ-צ-ק-ר-ש-ת ا-ب-ت-ث-ج-ح-خ-د-ذ-ر-ز-س-ش-ص-ض-ط-ظ-ع-غ-ف-ق-ك-ل-م-ن-ه-و-ي А-Б-В-Г-Д-Е-Ё-Ж-З-И-Й-К-Л-М-Н-О-П-Р-С-Т-У-Ф-Х-Ц-Ч-Ш-Щ-Ъ-Ы-Ь-Э-Ю-Я а-б-в-г-д-е-ё-ж-з-и-й-к-л-м-н-о-п-р-с-т-у-ф-х-ц-ч-ш-щ-ъ-ы-ь-э-ю-я ä-ö-ü-ß-Ä-Ö-Ü _______________________________________________ Linux-il mailing list Linux-il@cs.huji.ac.il http://mailman.cs.huji.ac.il/mailman/listinfo/linux-il