Quoting Gilboa Davara, from the post of Wed, 11 Feb:
> On Wed, 2009-02-11 at 13:27 +0200, Yuval Hager wrote:
> > I was happily amazed to find out that the new revamped site of Bank Leumi 
> > fully works using Opera on Linux. I also tested FF, and it seems to work 
> > fine 
> > too (including viewing cheques images, graphs etc.).
> > 
> > So long IE in Crossover, and thanks for all the sites :)
> I must have asked them about 10,000 times and almost gave up hope.
> Now I can finally remove ies4linux!

I think we should send them a really fancy letter with a few dozen
signatures, saying thanks for finally fixing it. I'm not cynical. they
got "nags" and negative rap from us all the years, they need to get
appreciation too.

Newspaper reporters and people who bump into FOSS zealots in Ynet
talkbacks usually (understandably) see us as a bunch of complaining
elitist techno-snobs.  I say we should show our other side and give some
kudos once in a while when someone does the RIGHT thing.

(In other words, they think we are Hammas, we need to show them we are
not even Fatah, maybe Hada"sh at worst :-)

Even if it's late and partial, we can send them positive remarks for
congratulating them on how far they've come instead of only (or first)
complaining about what still needs to be done.

So how about if a bunch of us write Leumi some "thank you" notes, or
send them a big fancy "Thank you" kind of thing with 30 signatures, so
they can frame and hang on their wall, and later we could get companies
to get their sites corrected and we better rap in the press. We can even
join hands the some computer usability SIG or ISOC, ILA or some adult
computer literacy NGO that was helped by this. We should try to try and
make it a bigger, more impressive gesture.

Is it corny?
 - sure, CEOs love corny...

Is it a bit kitch and looks a little out of integrity?
 - Could be, but the long-term benefits are effective dialogs with the
   next businesses that run broken sites.
 - Ideally, In time, such endoresment might be actually catch on, and
   since Hamakor won't be selling them for kickbacks, companies will
   actually have to fix sites to get one :-)

Anyone cares to take this further?

Ori Idan, are you doing any PR of this kind today?


(and, as if often does, my random sig pulls out a bull's eye :-)

Service with a Smile
Ira Abramov

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