>From the contents of a relatively unfiltered mailbox (which fortunately
is not widely advertised and I check it only once each few weeks),
Leiberman indeed uses very much the political exemption.

I got in that mailbox a lot of spam from:
* Israel Beitanu (Leiberman's party) - sends tons of spam.  No wonder he
obtained the exemption, presumably already then he planned on utilizing
this method of getting votes.
* The party of the disabled (מפלגת הנכים) are spammers as well.
* Israel Hazaka (Dr. Ephraim Sneh) are spammers as well.

I already blogged about my annoyance at a party which I'd support
otherwise but are now taboo because they are spammers (the party of the

                                     --- Omer

On Sun, 2009-02-08 at 10:25 +0200, ronys wrote:
>  Indeed it's legal. When the anti-spam law was passed, a special exemption 
> was put in to allow politicians to send spam.
> IIRC, this was Leiberman's initiative.
> Rony

Not voting in an election is like voting for the candidate, whom you
hate the most.
My own blog is at http://www.zak.co.il/tddpirate/

My opinions, as expressed in this E-mail message, are mine alone.
They do not represent the official policy of any organization with which
I may be affiliated in any way.
WARNING TO SPAMMERS:  at http://www.zak.co.il/spamwarning.html

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