On Saturday, 7 בFebruary 2009, Dvir Volk wrote:
> > The Fedora KDE team is heavily testing and bug-fixing KDE-4.2 for
> > the release. In about a week it should land in the official
> > repositories (which means you would get it if you simply yum update
> > your system).
> it's stable enough in my book, works better than the stable 4.1. I've
> been using it for about a weeek.

Indeed, I've installed one of the pre-release torrents on one
workstation and have the same experience. However, it's hard to
blame them for being too careful after they got burned in previous
releases. There aren't many important blockers now except some
problems in bluetooth support in Solid.

 * Meeting summary:
 * Dependency bugs:


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