On Thursday 16 October 2008 Amos Shapira wrote: > Hello, > > I need to find tools to run penetration testing on our external web > interfaces (a web application and an HTTP-based data interface). > [...] > (and yes Aviram, I mentioned BeyondSecurity to my CTO, maybe we'll contact > you :). >
Thanks for the plug ;) Our service starts at $30 per month, so only do that if your time for finding the tool, installing it, running it, weeding out the false positives and compiling a report from the results costs more than $30. But seriously now, if you are indeed considering an automated service rather than a manual tool, check it out at: http://www.beyondsecurity.com/vulnerability-scanner.html (yes, I am somewhat "affiliated" with Beyond Security if it's not clear already) As for the tools you've mentioned, none of them is considered to really be the silver bullet, so you will probably need to use more than one. Which ones are for you depends on your expertise level, they are mostly designed for expert pen testers. > > --Amos - Aviram ================================================================= To unsubscribe, send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the word "unsubscribe" in the message body, e.g., run the command echo unsubscribe | mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]