Today I got a letter from YNET that they are moving their videos to Flash from WMV to support Firefox and Linux users. Nice move, and they will have me visiting their website, and their advertisers, as "soon" as the change happens.
I have spoken with technical support at postil twice by telephone, and they are aware of the problems of using the website with Firefox and are promising a new website "soon". Both Leumit and Macabi have promised me new Firefox-compatible websites "soon". All these companies now show that they are aware that Firefox exists, they are aware that people are using it, and they are aware that their websites do not work with Firefox. They all promise to support Firefox "soon". "Soon" is not enough anymore, however, as we've been hearing that for at least a year now. Please, please, write a letter or pick up the phone and contact these companies to let them know that we, their paying customers, need their services to work in a standards-compatible way. Now is the time to pressure them, because they acknowledge that we exist. Ynet:,7340,L-824,00.html [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] ynet, רח' יגאל אלון 127, תל אביב, 67443 Postil: 1-599-500-171 Leumit: 1-700-507-507 1-800-396-333 02-572-2442 Maccabi: 1-700-50-53-53 03-5143501 If you know of other Israeli websites that do not work in Firefox or Linux, please mention them and I will contact them. Thanks! -- Dotan Cohen א-ב-ג-ד-ה-ו-ז-ח-ט-י-ך-כ-ל-ם-מ-ן-נ-ס-ע-ף-פ-ץ-צ-ק-ר-ש-ת ä-ö-ü-ß-Ä-Ö-Ü