2008/6/7 Ira Abramov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> to me this means as if OpenMoko expect Qtopia will be the more popular
> chice and GTK is that just for conveniance, am I wrong?

I asked on the Openmoko list and they said to look at these threads. I
am simply too swamped with studies to check now. Here they are:

Please see the LONG threads:
- Will GTK be used in Openmoko? (was: Re: Software Status Update)
- Switch from GTK to QT (was: ASU software - pre-pre-release impressions)
- clarification of Qtopia Vs. GTK
- Qtopia Vs. GTK or both?
- Qte or Qt?
at http://lists.openmoko.org/pipermail/community/2008-May/thread.html

Dotan Cohen


A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?

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