On Wed, May 21, 2008 at 12:19 AM, Ira Abramov <

> Quoting Ira Abramov, from the post of Tue, 20 May:
> > http://zumastor.org/ <- any comments?

Back when it was mentioned here a few weeks ago I grabbed their paper and
looked around and got the impression that it's a very nice concept but far
from being in beta stage.

> > LVM2 snapshots and a wrapper script?

We use LVM2 snapshots for quick xen guest rebuilds (snapshot a base image,
run automatic script to tweak for particular host instance). Works well for
a few months now.

> The more I read about ZumaStor I like it more, but the big boon in LVM2
> is that I don't have to recompile RHEL's kernel. so any production-env
> experiance shared will be appreciated.

That's a big advantage if you ask me.
What's a killer argument against LVM2?


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