On Monday, 5 בMay 2008, Ira Abramov wrote:
> which brings me to the question - should I stick to Fedora (7? 8?) for the
> devel environment and break from the RPM world and go for Lenny or Hardy?

Generally, the requirements of any "enterprise/stable" distributions
are bad for developers by definition.

These distros must have long upgrade cycles, normally contain a lot of
legacy API's which are maintained purely for legacy applications etc.

So for production, your obvious choice may be RHEL/Centos, Debian etch etc.
But for development you should take Fedora, Debian lenny, Ubuntu (without
staying on the LTS track), etc.

If your current production target is Centos, you natural development
platform will be Fedora. Each RHEL version click (~18 months) accumulates
roughly 3 Fedora versions (~6 months). So for your case a Fedora 8 would
be solid choice (fully updated, it is kdevelop-3.5.1-3.fc8).

As mentioned in Amos response, Fedora 9 is imminent (in 9 days, here
comes the shameless plug http://fedoraproject.org/he/).
However, since you probably want to use KDE (for kdevelop integration, 
look-and-feel etc.) it would be better (IMO) to stay with
F8 for a while (KDE-3.5.9), skip F9 which makes a big jump to KDE-4.0
and upgrade to F10 (with KDE-4.1.x) in 6 months.

Hope it helps,

Oron Peled                             Voice/Fax: +972-4-8228492
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                  http://www.actcom.co.il/~oron
ICQ UIN: 16527398

"I love deadlines, especially the whooshing sound they make as they go by" 
      -- Douglas Adams

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