Check "group" and "other" permissions on all directories recursively to see
which folder blocks your normal user from accessing the file.

-rwxr-xr-x 1 rpm rpm 11296 Nov  6  2006 /aaaa-usr/lib/rpm/rpmq*

from the looks of it, either lib/ or rpm/ have invalid permissions.


On Dec 21, 2007 11:17 AM, shlomo solomon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> OK - more info. I´ve come to the conclusion that something is
> seriously fucked-up with permissions, but I have no idea how to fix
> it.
> As I wrote earlier, I´m now using a rescue partition on the same box.
> So, in effect, I can mount any partitions I want to. I mounted /usr as
> /aaaa-usr and tried running random programs from that partition.
> Nothing runs, even thoug the permissions SEEM to be OK. Hereś a random
> example of runnng rpmquery. I hope it´s clear what I´ve done here, but
> to be sure, I´ĺl add some comments.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ rpmquery  xterm
> xterm-215-4mdv2007.0
> ##### rpmquery runs normally on my rescue system
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ /usr/bin/rpmquery  xterm
> xterm-215-4mdv2007.0
> ##### same result if I specify the path
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ /aaaa-usr/bin/rpmquery  xterm
> bash: /aaaa-usr/bin/rpmquery: Permission denied
> ##### if I use a path that runs the same program, but from my real
> system´s /usr partition, I have no permission
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ ls -la /aaaa-usr/bin/rpmquery
> ls: /aaaa-usr/bin/rpmquery: Permission denied
> ##### I can´t even see the file
> Password:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] solomon]# /aaaa-usr/bin/rpmquery  xterm
> xterm-215-4mdv2007.0
> ##### but root CAN run the program
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] solomon]#  ls -la /aaaa-usr/bin/rpmquery
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 rpm rpm 15 Nov 30  2006 /aaaa-usr/bin/rpmquery ->
> ../lib/rpm/rpmq*
> ##### and root can see what seems to be normal permissions - note that
> it´s a link
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] solomon]#  ls -la /aaaa-usr/lib/rpm/rpmq
> -rwxr-xr-x 1 rpm rpm 11296 Nov  6  2006 /aaaa-usr/lib/rpm/rpmq*
> ##### and just to be sure, here root is seeing the permissions of the
> actual file - still OK for read and exec
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] solomon]#
> So why can´t solomon see or run programs in /aaaa-usr? This must be
> connected to my login problem. There are obviously actions that need
> to be done to complete the login and permissions prevent them from
> being done.

| Alex Alexander

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