On 26/10/2007, Geoffrey S. Mendelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 26, 2007 at 02:43:41PM +1000, Amos Shapira wrote:
> > Unless you have more info about this than the average person in the
> street I
> > assume we are both speculating on how they do this but as far as I'm
> aware:
> Actually I do. Growing up in the U.S. in the 1960's made one either
> blissfully ignorant of this, or very much upon the things. I even
> launched my own rockets, but the most dangerous payload was a
> walkie-talkie stripped of it's case and having the transmit button
> jammed so we could locate it. It went all of about 10 feet. :-)

Nice. Bdale Garbi (former Debian leader and HP OpenSource CTO or somesuch)
talked about his rocket-related and hobist satellite exploits on both
occasions that I met him.

But I was referring to the way the rocket launchers organize, not the

> 1. Those rockets are far too inaccurate to aim - two rockets fired from
> the
> > same spot, direction, angle etc. (even ignoring atmospheric differences)
> > will land at pretty wide circle of target.
> How wide? They are not cruise missles and can't be aimed to hit an office
> second from the left on the second floor of a 10 story building, but
> if you fire enough of them, you can aim them within a block or two.

Do you know this for sure or are you just estimating?

Don't forget that while the people in Gaza have things that are home made,
> they are far better than the fireworks rocket that was used in the news
> article. Hizbollah has Iranian made rockets which are a lot more
> consistent.
> > 2. This still doesn't say how the Israeli users missing on a convenient
> > service prevents the terrorists on the other side of the fence from
> finding
> > out the location by simply opening up a map, as they already say that
> they
> > do in the news item that you brought.
> Because combining things makes them simpler. You may be able to combine
> them sitting at your desk, but if you are in a field knowng that the IDF
> is already on their way, coordinating a strike with cell phones, with a
> spotter and someone at the "control center" on a computer, is a lot
> easier if they have one database to search instead of 2 or 3.
> > I'm still not with you about why not having street names on Google Maps
> > (while being able to get them on mapa.co.il, ynet maps, GPS software
> etc)
> > will prevent or even hinder their attacks, while at the same time people
> who
> > live in Israel miss out on the greatest mapping tool I've seen.
> See above.
> Try it some time. Call a friend on your cell phone and as your are driving
> or riding on a bus, call out street names as you pass them. See how long
> it
> takes to use one database, two, three or four.

Then go to mapa.co.il or ynet maps(?) or even MS's maps and get that in one
place, so what's the excuse now?


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