I googled for libftp. 1st result was:ftplibftplib is a set of routines that 
implement the FTP protocol. They allowapplications to create and access remote 
files through function calls ...- nbpfaus.net/~pfau/ftplib/Usual disclaimer 
inserted.----- Original Message -----From: Rafi Cohen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: 
Friday, October 26, 2007 0:17Subject: integrating ftp client within an 
application on linuxTo: linux-il@cs.huji.ac.il> > > Message> > > > > Hi, I'm 
writing an > application in C on linux that one of it's components is the 
ability to upload > and download files to/from an ftp server.> I would like to 
know > if there is an open source ftp api that I can integrate in my > 
application?> Well, I foud one -- > libncftp, but after evaluation of 30 days, 
this api has to be paid for further > use, so I'm looking for other options.> 
If there is no such > api, does this mean that I need to run the ftp client on 
the system using stuff > like exec, fork etc?> Any help will be > most 
appreciated. Thanks, Rafi.>

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