1. my conspiracy theory is that the goverment is influenced by economical 
interest of local vendors of map software.
2. It is the same schizophrenia as with the aeral space.
Meir Michanie

----- Original message -----
From: Amos Shapira  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: linux-il@cs.huji.ac.il
Sent: Thu Oct 25 2007 12:49:32 AM IST
Subject: Re: openstreetmap
On 25/10/2007, Meir Michanie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I uploaded some tracks to openstreetmap and I having dificulties to use
> its
> interface.  If anyone can contact me it would help me to load some tracks
> and hopefully help creating a free map for Israel.

<rant mode>
This is ridiculous, have you seen Google Maps recently? All of the middle
east is covered with road information except Israel:
True, it's not as full as many other places (Brazil, New-Zealand, to name
some "obvious" leaders) but you can find details about the tiny alleys of
Cairo, for instance.
</rant mode>

(In case anyone got it wrong - this is nothing to do with Meir's work, it's
more about frustration with the stupid government we have than anything


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