Daniel Feiglin wrote: > Has any one tried running MSI Laptops under Linux? > > Specifically has anyone tried the VR600 model? > > What's interesting about it: > 1. It's not too expensive > 2. You can buy it locally without a pre-installed OS > 3. The reseller (in this case Ivory) claims that they support it at > their various centers i.e. you're not stuck with a third party importer > with one location here. > > Thanks, > > DAF > > > For Sara Fink:
Oron's remarks about Ivory are correct. You can see the details at of the VR600 here: http://www.ivory.co.il/product.asp?productid=427&CatCode=315 Note that the price is for the dual core. It's always worth getting a price quotation with specific h/w details. You can buy over the Internet - but I wouldn't for this. Sitting across the table from a sales rep can give better results. About drivers etc - surely that depends on what's on the MB? This thing uses "known" components, AMI BIOS. In any event, I posted my query to find out about specific known "gotchas".
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