On 01/09/07, Marc Volovic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hiya.
> First - SlickEdit costs US$250-450 per seat. And while it is ok as an IDE,
> it has quite a few limitations especially as far as debugging is concerned.

>From its web site I didn't see it mention debugger interface at all,

There are NO good integrated development environments for Linux. Slickedit,
> Eclipse, etc, are a reasonable set of editing tools, but very very very
> mediocre debugging tools.
> You could try TotalView and Code Insight (Debugger and Editor).

TotalView is the only commercial one I found when Googl'ing for "linux
debugger", but the price is pretty steep:

I'll try to give him another push to give KDevelop and CDT a go - it'll
require him to install X11 on his Windows laptop and hopefully the dev
server will handle the Java app.



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