In short: There is a law presently being passed that will give the police free access to all phone numbers, IP addresses, etc, creating the largest such database for police use in the entire Western World (i.e. Israel will set a new precedent for what is "allowable" in a democracy, using totalitarian policies as inspiration). This really worries me. Not that I am a terrorist or criminal warlord who is worried in a disruption of my activities, but in that I consider it a major invasion of my privacy and a very bad direction for Israel to go in. I am therefore writing for two reasons: 1) To make you know about this proposed law. 2) To find out what we do to prevent it (assuming others are as troubled as I am). In my mind, there are very good reasons why in democracies, the police need to obtain a warrant or court order for sensitive information. Privacy is a basic liberty which needs to be protected. Not only that, such a system is bound to be abused, at first a little until such abuse is common place. All in all, a very downward spiral for the State. Other thoughts are of course welcome. Gadi -- Gadi Cohen aka Kinslayer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Freelance admin/coding/design HABONIM DROR linux/fantasy enthusiast KeyID 0x93F26EF5: 256A 1FC7 AA2B 6A8F 1D9B 6A5A 4403 F34B 93F2 6EF5