On 24/07/07, Shlomi Loubaton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 7/23/07, Amos Shapira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > Just got around to test his - all IE's installed through IEs4Linux do NOT allow typing Hebrew in walla. IE5.5 doesn't even render the "New Message" page correctly, thus not allowing to type in anything in the message content. > Speaking of browser compatibility, pffff.... > > Does anyone know if this is a bug in Wine or is there a way to convince it to support Hebrew typing? > Typing Hebrew in Walla using IE4Linux works for me. In the past I had a similar problem and it was fixed once I realized I forgot to configure my 'locals' package. In Debian just execute 'dpkg-reconfigure locales' and add the Hebrew locales. In Ubuntu: sudo sh -c 'echo "he_IL.UTF-8 UTF-8" >> /var/lib/locales/supported.d/local' sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales you should also add the following to your ~/.ies4linux/bin/ie6 file: LC_ALL=he_IL.UTF-8 LANG=he_IL.UTF-8
I installed Hebrew fonts ("culmus" debian packagE) and configured the locales for the ia32 environment but this didn't help - typed characters appear as "?". I then set the LC_ALL and LANG as you suggest above and it: 1. Caused the button labels in Hebrew to appear as "?" 2. When pressing on the buton to go to the walla mail page IE6 explodes. I'm not an expert about fonts and such but I suspect it's a matter of somehow telling the application to use the right fonts for the encoding in the page. BTW: I really hate using IE on Linux and do not encourage anyone to do
so. I use it only because my stupid bank force me to :,(
Same here. My current interest with IE is to test a web site I'm designing. Cheers, --Amos