On 2/20/07, Geoffrey S. Mendelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The difference between a real
syncrhonous data link, and an aDSL or cable modem one, and how to
get and configure one and so on.

The 'A' of ADSL is for Asymmetric (= higher frequency span allocated for
downstream than for upstream), not Asynchronous.

you can run POTS quality VoIP, streaming video and proprietary VPNs to
the U.S. on an aDSL line with a cheap router.

Residential (non-commercial-grade) ADSL/cable service and a "cheap router"
would be enough to give you valid connectivity (indistinguishable from POTS,
for that matter) to an Israeli VoIP provider (e.g. Bezeqint). 30ms ping
roundtrip is unnoticeable in a voice conversation.

If they're insisting on a Committed Information Rate, they'd be better
talking to one of the large ISPs. It'll be a business-grade connection,
which involves entirely different pricing schemes -- surely not worth it for
casual phone-call savings (by using a US-based VoIP carrier such as Vonage).

Many of these experts don't even know that an aDSL connection uses a
tunnel (aka VPN) to the ISP and so on..........

Which adds around 10ms, which is insignificant compared to the 180ms minimal
roundtrip to the US. You can spare the tunnel by getting dialer-less
connection (dubbed "MPLS") from a cable ISP.

The olim complain that they are going to have to quit their U.S. jobs
because they can't get their work done, speak on the phone, etc.

We're talking with our employees who are situated in Japan over email, Skype
and just regular international calls regularly and it's working pretty well
for us. Why "can't get their work done"?

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