Tried it with the -vv both on the client and the server.. eventually reverted to ncftpput. I had a similiar issue with a remote execution using ssh but that was solved by adding -t. thanks anyway Lior
On 11/22/06, Amos Shapira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 23/11/06, Lior Kesos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > Oh collective wisdom of all things linux. > I have an scp question.. > I have a script which scps's files from one server to another, I want to > be sure that each scp command has ended successfully before I procceed to > the next scp. > The problems I'm seeing (sending from an ubuntu dapper to a debian > stable) is that my scp reports I've arrived to 100% of the copy but it's > still hangs. Have you tried running it with "-v -v"? (add more "-v" for even more detail). Beyond rendering my script useless it leaves tons of scp process on the > server which isn't a pretty sight either? How exactly do you define "hangs"? I though you said that your script will wait for one scp to complete before it proceeds to the next one. Regardless ofthe above problem - to speed things up with multiple ssh connections to the same host you should consider use of the "-M" option. --Amos
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