On Mon, 3 Apr 2006 08:41:54 +0300, Geoffrey S. Mendelson wrote:
> Hi, I want to copy the complete disk from a Fedora core 4 system
> to another disk. The new disk needs to be bootable.
> The disks are different sizes (original 6gig, new 320gig), so dd is out.
> In the old days, it was simple, you just make three partitions (boot, swap
> and root), copy the contents of boot and root, run grub and you are done.
> FC4 uses a logical volume manager. Is there a how to? A web page? a wiki?
> I could not find one. :-(
> It would be easiest to copy the data over the network after booting the new
> system from the rescue or install disk. I could physicaly put the second
> drive in the first computer, but that would be less desirable.
> I can also tar the entire disk and put the tar file on a dvd.
> Are there any problems with doing it the old way (three partitions)
> besides fixing /etc/fstab and grub.conf?

I do install FC4 from tar archive over the net. My personal Howto
(which is specific for our partition strategy is below).

>From my (limited) experience the following will work:
  1. Partition the new system with same partitions (labels, not size)
     as the system you are copying from.
  2. With a live CD (or older system on the new machine), copy the
     installed files to the new FSs (you must copy with tar, rsync
     or similar tool that preserve all file attributes and does not
     do dereferencing, if you use cp, use cp -a).
  3. You should copy (create) /proc /dev but NOT there content.
  4. Do grub install on this disk.
  5. Fix the /boot/grub/grub.conf for the drive numbering on the
     actual machine it will run on (if it is the only disk there
     it is probably hd0).

My partition strategy is even simpler than yours: just / and swap,
so boot is always the same partition as the root.

I did install new OS on a spare partition by copying it and just
adding it to the grub.conf on the existing boot/grub directory.


Notes. Please remember - this is internal script, so some things are
   specific to us (e.g. the partition sizes). The check for arg1 and
   Step 5 (ulnx09-to-nn.sh) are administrative check/tool.

   If you have only 1 or 2 machines to install use the script as a
   check list / guide. It is not worth the trouble to adjust it.

Howto for using MVS FC4 install script

  Boot from rescue disk with IP=
  Skip "try to mount old system" !

  mount /FC4-net from sw-gib (
     mkdir /mnt/FC4-net
     mount /mnt/FC4-net

  run install-from-net.sh from the mounted disk
     cd /mnt/FC4-net/install-FC4
     ./install-from-net.sh <NN> - number of ulnx


#! /bin/sh -e
# Compile by: /bin/sh -e $*
# --------------------------------------------------

Yes_or_Abort ()
    echo "See the above results, Is it OK ?"
    while [ 1 ]
        echo -e "Type Y(es) to continue, anything else to abort  \c"
        read ANS
        case "$ANS" in
            ""    ) echo "Empty answer ignored !!" ;;
            [yY]* ) echo -e "\n"               # Y(es) - OK, 2 lines space
                    break  ;;                  # Continue with commands
              *   ) echo "Answer was $ANS, Aborted !!!"
                    exit 1 ;;
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Run_check ()
    echo "Next step to execute:" >&3
    echo -e "    $1\n" >&3
    echo -e "Type R(un) to run it, S[top]/Q[uit]/E[xit] to end all, else skip 
it  \c" >&3
    read ANS
    case "$ANS" in
        [Rr]* ) echo "Run"  ;;             # R(un) - answer to caller
        [SsQqEe]* ) echo "Stopped by user" >&3
                       exit 1 ;;
        *   ) echo "Skip" ;;             # skip this step
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Run_Command ()
    echo "+ $1"                                # show the command
    eval $1                                    # Run it
    if [ "$2" != "" ] ; then
        Yes_or_Abort                           # Ask user if OK
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

case "$1" in
    0[1-8] | [1-8] ) NN=$1 ;;                  # 1st arg OK
     XX )  NN=0  ;;                            # not ULNX<NN>
      * )  echo -e "\n Argument ($1) not 01-08 or XX\n"
           exit 1  ;;

exec 3>&1                                      # current stdout

RC=`Run_check "1) Build the disk (fdisk /dev/hda) as follows"`
if [ "$RC" = "Run" ] ; then
    echo "     Device   Start   End      Blocks   Id  System   size  "
    echo "   /dev/hda1      1   1566   12578863+  83  Linux   12880M "
    echo "   /dev/hda2   1567   2088    4192965   82  swap     4294M "
    echo "   /dev/hda3   2089   4865   22306252+  83  Linux   (21.3G)"
    Run_Command 'fdisk /dev/hda < fdisk-input'

RC=`Run_check "2) Make file systems / swap"`
if [ "$RC" = "Run" ] ; then
    Run_Command 'mkfs.ext2 -v -j -L "/" -m 0 /dev/hda1'
    Run_Command 'mkfs.ext2 -v -j -L "/ulnx" -m 0 /dev/hda3'
    Run_Command 'mkswap -L "SWAP-hda2" /dev/hda2'

RC=`Run_check "3) mount the new created root (/dev/hda1)"`
if [ "$RC" = "Run" ] ; then
    Run_Command 'mkdir -p /mnt/ulnx66'
    Run_Command 'mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/ulnx66' Ask

RC=`Run_check "4) copy (by tar) complete installation from /FC4-net"`
if [ "$RC" = "Run" ] ; then
    Run_Command 'cd /mnt/ulnx66'
    Run_Command 'tar -xjvf /mnt/FC4-net/install-FC4/ulnx09-disk.tar.bz2'

RC=`Run_check "5) Replace 09 by new ulnx number - run ulnx09-to-nn.sh"`
if [ "$RC" = "Run" ] ; then
    Run_Command 'cd /mnt/FC4-net/install-FC4'
    Run_Command 'mount /dev/hda3 /mnt/ulnx66/ulnx'
    Run_Command "./ulnx09-to-nn.sh $NN"

RC=`Run_check "6.1) create /dev/hda<xxx> devices on /mnt/ulnx66/dev"`
if [ "$RC" = "Run" ] ; then
    Run_Command 'mknod /mnt/ulnx66/dev/hda'
    Run_Command 'mknod /mnt/ulnx66/dev/hda1'
    Run_Command 'mknod /mnt/ulnx66/dev/hda2'
    Run_Command 'mknod /mnt/ulnx66/dev/hda3'

RC=`Run_check "6.2) chroot & grub-install"`
if [ "$RC" = "Run" ] ; then
    Run_Command 'chroot /mnt/ulnx66 "/sbin/grub-install /dev/hda"'

RC=`Run_check "7) umount & reboot"`
if [ "$RC" = "Run" ] ; then
    Run_Command 'umount /mnt/ulnx66/ulnx'
    Run_Command 'umount /mnt/ulnx66'

echo -e '\nTake out the rescue CD now !!!'
echo -e '\nIf everything is OK type "exit" to exit rescue mode (reboot)'

############################## install-from-net.sh 





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