Version 2 of Crossover Office seemed to work OK, and then it broke on
version 3+.
Using Samba, network and old Pentium II just to run MS IE, Office &c.
Cost: Apart from MS Win X and/or Office you pay for anyway - peanuts.
Noam Meltzer wrote:
Hi All,
I'm evaluating crossover office to see if it suits my needs, and I was
faced with a problem to write Hebrew in it.
I can see Hebrew alright, but not write.
I tried to contact the crossover office presale support, but what I
was told was that they don't support Hebrew.
I tried running the crossover IE with my default locale (POSIX) as
well as with LANG=he_IL and LANG=he_IL.UTF-8
using POSIX locale, it just did not work at all. using one of the
'he_IL' combinations, every thing I typed became the letter KUF (ק).
Did any of you succeeded to write Hebrew in Crossover Office IE? Can
you please enlighten me of how to achieve this goal?
Noam Meltzer
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