On Tuesday 24 May 2005 23:11, Geoffrey S. Mendelson wrote:
> It's taking of something that you don't have permission to. If that is
> not stealing, what is?
It's not taking, either.

Taking and stealing both imply that the person you took from now has less of 
the thing you took. A zero-sum system. This is not true for digital data 
copyable at zero cost. The correct term is not taking, but copying.

In copyright infringement, you commit a crime not because you take something 
and the copyright holder now has less property. He doesn't even have less 
'intellectual property'. However, the market price and power of his copyright 
is now _potentially_ smaller, because 1) you _might_ redistribute, competing 
with him, and 2) if you hadn't copied it illegally, you _might_ have bought 
it yourself.

So the wrong you're doing isn't stealing. You're causing a _potential_ loss of 
profit due to loss of potential future sales. (Although it is arguably highly 
probable in some circumstances.)

Now this doesn't sound as evil as piracy and theft. But just in case it still 
sounds evil, I'll mention another name for 'causing potential loss of future 
sales'. It's called competition.

And the only reason copyright infringement is different is due to a legal 
monopoly granted in very different circumstances from today, which makes some 
people argue it's not necessary anymore. But whether or not it's necessary, 
it's not automatically evil (or automatically ethically acceptable), and it 
certainly isn't theft - so please stop calling it that.

Dan Armak
Gentoo Linux developer (KDE)
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