On Tuesday 24 May 2005 19:57, Alon Altman wrote:
> On Tue, 24 May 2005, Elad Efrat wrote:
> > This is *stealing*. You are not to decide what you need to
> > pay for, and your ideology is not that of the one who made
> > the music, nor the circle of people who helped him put it
> > into a CD.
>    Just one point: This is breaking the law, which is a big no-no in a
> democratic society, but this is NOT stealing. It's copyright infringement.
> Theft is a different offense which involves taking property without
> permission.
>    That said, I second Elad's point about the fact that disagreeing with
> the law is by no means justification for breaking it. If you want to do
> something, lobby against the law, IN LEGAL WAYS, such as protesting and
> sending letters to politicians, or even running for office.
What about civilian disobedience - when is that allowed under Israeli law? Is 
it only made valid retroactively when you win the consequent court case?

Dan Armak
Gentoo Linux developer (KDE)
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