On Mon, Jan 24, 2005 at 10:57:32AM +0200, Danny Lieberman wrote:

> 2. imho - Access Basic can be part of a 1 trimester course on 
> programming languages which should cover a number of modern languages - 
> like php, java, javascript, Lisp (not scheme)

Ok, I'll bite - why lisp and not scheme?

> I believe that being exposed to a spectrum of modern widely used 
> programming languages is an important part of a CS education although 
> not an end in itself. 

widely used != interesting or relevant. Would you say that VB is a
useful thing for a student to go to a university to learn? 

I wholeheartedly agree that exposure to a wide variety of programming
languages is crucial, anything from shell to assembly to C to C++ to
Java to lisp to prolog. I disagree that learning a particulary tool -
especially if it's a proprietary tool! - is something that should be
done in university or high school. How is learning to use access
contributing to the student's education? what can you learn from
access that couldn't be learned from far better sources, except how to
use access?

Muli Ben-Yehuda
http://www.mulix.org | http://mulix.livejournal.com/

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