On Tue, Aug 31, 2004 at 04:33:40PM +0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Muli - could you give a little more background on what are you trying to 
> achieve?

Make a process which is running with root capabilities appear in a
standard ps output as though it belongs to user 'foo'. I can't change
ps; I can't change the kernel. I can only use the standard POSIX
APIs. I do have root on the system.

FWIW, I thought about it for a couple of days before tossing it to the
list, and I don't think it can be one. I'll be happy to be proven
wrong ;-)

> In general - it sounds like what you are asking for is something
> that some rootkits do to conceal their tracks - have you tried
> there? 

Not yet, although it's on my "to investigate" list. It's a long shot,
most root kits I'm familiar with hide their processes completely,
rather than make them appear to belong to a different user. 

Muli Ben-Yehuda
http://www.mulix.org | http://mulix.livejournal.com/

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