As the user named DoK mentioned at WhatsUp, Ex Libris write in their _Official_ web 
  Our sophisticated, easy-to-use Web OPAC serves as the user’s gateway to the ALEPH 
500 system. As the Web 
  OPAC is based on HTML pages, it can be customized to meet your library’s 
specifications. Requiring only a standard 
  Web browser on the user’s workstation, the OPAC provides access to library 
information at any time and from any 
Ths is on:
Oren Maurer 

Re: New catalog of academic libraries and Hebrew


I reported this exact problem, with detail and screenshots, to the
library IT personnel at Haifa University and at the Weizmann Institute.
The former blatantly rejected it [1], while the latter passed it on to
Ex Libris, the makers of the software. I got no further response,
despite my followups. That was well over a year ago.

Please do report the problem to the people in charge of whatever Aleph
systems you're using.


[1] Choice quotes:
    "But everybody uses Internet Explorer"
    "You're lying about your User Agent? You know what *THAT* means!"
    "I don't like Linux anyway."

On 2004/06/11 14:11, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hallo list members. 
> Need your advice
> The problem:
> Browsing the new on-line catalog  of academic libraries of Israel (Aleph 500)
> from non-IE browsers. I've started already a thread about that at Whatsup,] 
> The problem, in short, is that Hebrew letters appear at Mozilla and Konqueror
> English Capitals. Changing mozilla's UserAgent to simulate MSIE solves this, 
> but  I thought: why should we change it? 
> While complaining to the company, maybe I can built a web page that will
 demonstrate them how can this fixed... 
> Is there a way filtering their web-pages to be viewd in Mozilla, Konqueror
 (and all browsers)??
> for examle of how does this shown you can look here: (Hebrew On line catalog,
 Haiafa University)
> [There are Hebrew Gifs ...]
> Maurer Oren
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