On Fri, Sep 26, 2003 at 01:02:20AM +0300, Nadav Har'El wrote:

> For example, I recognize Muli's key because he showed it to me when we
> were in last year's August Penguin event. Muli might have signed with his
> key a statement that he knows Linus Torvalds' key because he (may have)
> met Linus in a conference last month. Now, if Linus Torvalds sends me

Actually, if Linus showed his face there, I must've been too busy
hacking or chatting on IRC to see ;-) I did meets lots of other people
whose code we all run every day. 

> a signed email, I can recognize his signature to be genuine (with a certain
> degree of confidence) - even though I never met him before, and no central
> authority has decreed this signature to be authentic.

Stupid geek bragging: according to the latest keyanalyze report
(http://keyserver.kjsl.com/~jharris/ka/2003-09-07/top1000table.html) I
am number 733 in the global web of trust. Nyah ;-) 
Muli Ben-Yehuda

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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