On Thu, Sep 25, 2003, Moshe Kaminsky wrote about "Re: mail origin verification":
> That's what I meant. The fact that some technion address appear in the
> headers is not a big consolation. If you send the mail from your own
> machine, it might come from localhost.localdomain (as it does in my
> case). Basically, you are saying that people have absolutely no problem
> sending e-mails that appear to come from me. I find it quite amazing.

Welcome to the world of SMTP (the "Simple Mail Transfer Protocol", the
standard protocol used to send mail on the Internet). Circa 1992 I used
to amaze my friends (those who studied in the Technion and had email
addresses, that is) by sending them email "from" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Nothing has changed since...

PGP (or the freeer GPG) is a good solution for mail authentication (and
privacy) that lets you "sign" your email in an unfakeable fashing, and yet
does not require central authentication [1]. It is not trivial to understand
PGP's concepts, but if you are willing to spend a few hours learning them
you might actually like it. And best of all, GPG is free software.

Just watch out: do you really want each and every one of your emails to
be 100% traceable to you? After sending fakable email for so many years,
I got used to it, and I actually started to get scared that people could
prove that I sent a certain email. Sometimes I write stupid things on
this list - why would I want not to be able to deny that I wrote them? :)
This is why I never sign my outgoing email, even though I'm perfectly
capable technically to do so. I do sign other things that I deem important
enough - like free software packages I publish. I think we had this discussion
on this list a while ago, so I won't continue further.

and now for the Educational Footnote of the week ;)

[1] An example of central authentication is government-issued ID cards
or driver licenses. Another example are credit-cards issued by certain
large (and supposedly trustworthy) companies. Yet another example (on the
Internet) are SSL certificates issued by certain companies called "certificate
authorities" (CAs). The problem with all those centralized schemes is that
they require a central entity to authorize you - this usually requires
significant fees, and a significant amount of effort and red-tape to set up.

Decentralized systems like PGP, on the other hand, let anyone invent their
own unique identity (or several such identities). How does that help in
authentication you might ask? Well, the "trick" is that nobody trusts just
any random identity shown to them - you only recognize the identities sent
to you by friends you know from real-life and you previously got their
PGP identities from secure channels (like face-to-face meetings). Also,
if your friends recognize other people, you can recognize (to a slightly
less degree of confidence) your friends' friends', and so on. This is
called a Web of Trust.

For example, I recognize Muli's key because he showed it to me when we
were in last year's August Penguin event. Muli might have signed with his
key a statement that he knows Linus Torvalds' key because he (may have)
met Linus in a conference last month. Now, if Linus Torvalds sends me
a signed email, I can recognize his signature to be genuine (with a certain
degree of confidence) - even though I never met him before, and no central
authority has decreed this signature to be authentic.

All the operations I mentioned above are made secure and unfakable by using
public-key cryptography (it's a very interesting mathematical subject,
really, you'll like it ;)).

Nadav Har'El                        |        Friday, Sep 26 2003, 29 Elul 5763
[EMAIL PROTECTED]             |-----------------------------------------
Phone: +972-53-790466, ICQ 13349191 |I had a lovely evening. Unfortunately,
http://nadav.harel.org.il           |this wasn't it. - Groucho Marx

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