Is there an API out there, ideally I would like to
call it from Perl, that can help
me grep for keywords on Microsoft word documents?
- Re: API for reading M$ word documents on Linux??? Ron Gidron
- Re: API for reading M$ word documents on Linux??? Christoph Bugel
- Re: API for reading M$ word documents on Linux... Oleg Goldshmidt
- Re: API for reading M$ word documents on L... Shachar Shemesh
- Re: API for reading M$ word documents ... Oleg Goldshmidt
- Re: API for reading M$ word docum... Shachar Shemesh
- Re: API for reading M$ word d... Beni Cherniavsky
- Re: API for reading M$ word documents ... Tzafrir Cohen
- Re: API for reading M$ word documents on Linux??? Tzafrir Cohen
- Re: API for reading M$ word documents on Linux??? Yedidyah Bar-David