Quoting Gilad Ben-Yossef, from the post of Mon, 18 Nov:
> > I believe Ronen is either trying a provocative menuver here' or being a
> > little manipulated, because her law is both bad for the government, bad
> I have no idea what she's trying to do or who is leading her
> (<cough>Sun</cough>) but I don't think I like her suggestion very much. 

umm, her silly offer shuts out ANY closed source, Sun and Mickysoft in on

> Well, I can dream, can't I? ;-)

as long as the dream is released under an OSD-compatible license,
otherwise the NBSA will be hot on your tail. (NBSA= Nekhama's BS Agency)

Do you have any Grey Poupon?
Ira Abramov

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