Quoting David Howard, from the post of Thu, 31 Oct:
> On Thu, 2002-10-31 at 10:43, Martin Polley wrote:
> > I've heard good things about Xine, too. (The pronunciation doesn't
> sound
> > good in Hebrew though...)
> > 
> IIRC, the former Xine page showed that the recommended pronunciation was
> "kseen". 

I pronounce it the same as Zine, but I am not anal about it :)

> But if you're worried about xine, how about the English
> pronunciation of "Haifux"? Sexual activity on top of the Carmel?

and that I pronounce KHAY-fooks. then again, most Israelis pronounce FAQ
as "fuck".

does everything unix sound so bad in Hebrew? see, in English you can
make love with unix (unzip; strip; touch; finger; mount; fsck; more;
yes; umount; sleep), but somehow, all I could use it for in Hebrew is
for cursing...

Pico scheme emacs, man yacc!

back to topic: your problem may have to do with a problematic DRI
support (or lack of it) in the kernel, or the X server. did you try
upgrading either? try also changing scan rates for your X, or changing
the video modes...

Big in Japan
Ira Abramov

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