On Wed, 18 Sep 2002 11:24:45 -0400
Arie Folger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>       [afolger@localhost afolger]$ perl -e '
>       > $_ = "abcdefg";
>       > s/bc(?{if (/e/){$a = "hi"}else{$a = "HI"}})e/bc${a}e/;
>       > print $_."\n";
>       > '

You used the default delimiter '/', but it appears within your expression:
        if (/e
So obviously perl complains about bad termination/balancing:
>       Sequence (?{...}) not terminated or not {}-balanced at -e line 3, within

Either backslash it or replace the delimiter with something else.

I'm not sure I get what you try to do. Looks like you search for 'bce' so
the if() will be always true...

> Thanks 1000^2,

You meant 1000**2 :-)

Oron Peled                             Voice/Fax: +972-4-8228492
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                  http://www.actcom.co.il/~oron

3Com only purchased rights to the numbers '3' '5' and '9', Intel
owns '4', '8', '6', and '2'. '0' and '1' are still in the public
domain ;-)
         -Donald Becker

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