On Wed, Aug 14, 2002, Gilad Ben-Yossef wrote about "Re: Essay about Free Software - in 
> On Wed, 2002-08-14 at 02:43, Nadav Har'El wrote:
> >     http://nadav.harel.org.il/essays/chofesh/
> > 
> 1. Absoultly fscking briliant :-)

You're making me blush :)

> 2. One nitpick - I would avoid pitting 'commercial software' (Tochna
> Misharit) againt 'free software' because it implies that free software
> cannot be commercial. How about 'closed software' (Tochna Sgoora)?

You're right.

People have suggested that to me before, when I let them proofread the
text, but I decided not to change it. My problem was that in an essay for
laymen, I can't use the phrase "Closed Software", "Closed Source", etc.,
before I define it, and to define that I would first need to define what
being "Open" would mean - and that's the content of the rest of the essay.
It's a sort of chicken-and-egg problem.

So I decided to use the laymen term "Commercial Software", commercial in
the sense that it is the software you'd expect to find in your local computer
store and pay for. 99% of that software is indeed "Closed Software",
and I think that most laymen will understand what I meant by "Commercial
Software". If anything, it might slightly confuse open-source aficionados
that can recite 666 business models based on free software :)

Later in the essay, when I talk about who is writing free software, I
mention that certain commercial companies might find it beneficial for them
to write or contribute to free software. However, the resulting software is
rarely refered to as "commercial software": commercial software isn't the
same as "software created by a commercial company".

> 3. I think this should go on the IGLU wbe site. Mind you, not to put a
> *link* on it on the IGL web site, I mean on the site permenanatly as a
> 'Manifesto' of sorts of what we are aiming to do  and why...

Sure, feel free to make a copy. But please try to preserve the hyperlinks
and some of the formatting (i.e., cut-and-paste is bad).

Nadav Har'El                        |      Wednesday, Aug 14 2002, 6 Elul 5762
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