I don't know about GRUB but this worked for me at the past for:
- dual boot NT & RedHat (I think RH6.2) & lilo, after I changed the disk size
- dual boot W2K & RH7.1, after I run sysprep at the W2K

A.     Boot from the Linux CD, go until you get to re-partition the hard disk. STOP HERE, DO NOT DESTROY THE CONTENT OF THE DISK. Write down the partition that contain the Linux boot data.

B.     Re-boot, stop when the graphical interface is up

C.     Ctrl+Alt+F2 to get to the alpha-numeric command prompt

D.     Update the Linux loader (lilo)
mount /hda2 /mnt      /* replace the 2 with the correct partition number */
chroot /mnt /bin/bash
/* you are now in the environment of the system from the hard disk */
umount /mnt

Hope that this helps
----- Original Message -----
From: Nx
Sent: Saturday, February 09, 2002 5:41 PM
Subject: I've lost my Linux

i got 2 OS,  MS's and Linux
i had them both working and i could chose which 2 work with by lilo (some linux base program that resembles 2 lilo, but not it )
When I've installed a new HDD my "lilo" did something like "stage1....."and got stock
i did know how 2 work this out with my linux so i've installed my win from CD
i knew it will desapear my linux
now i need ideas 2 get it back

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