On Monday 04 February 2002 16:33, Hetz Ben Hamo wrote:
> Hi People,
> This is the status report of KDE 3.0 beta 2 which should be out within
> today or tommorow..
> * Mail:
> Thanks to a lot of work of Lars from trolltech - you can now read hebrew
> text, reply in hebrew, send to web based emails (HotMail, Walla, Yahoo,
> your-favorite one) and get back emails in hebrew. The hebrew text will be
> automatically aligned to the right.
> You'll need to force encoding if you're getting email from HotMail, since
> the assholes don't add any encoding fields...
> As for the feature Max has asked - it's there, working nicely (my friend
> tested it), and kmail seems to be pretty stable as it is right now.
truth, but the code itself is not on the beta, I attached the diff. (1.6KB),
I did not tried it yet, but it seems great...

> * Konqueror:
> The situation is better now with Visual Hebrew, but there are still some
> problems with Logical hebrew like pages in walla (you may notice that Walla
> web-server thinks that Konqueror is Netscape 4.x so it gives you visual
> hebrew pages - you'll need to use the User-Agent configuration to cheat
> Walla web server to think it's an Internet Explorer.
ah... that explains a lot... I did saw it really ugly.

> Rich text alignment is still based on line-by-line - as it should be.
I disagree IMHO it should be paragrapha alligned. nervermind...
and I can use it on qt3.0.1, even in kmail (non-richtext edit), funny...

> Help is needed - but you don't have to be a programmer to help, just submit
> some html sample code that doesn't work to bugs.kde.org - this will help a
> lot..
something I saw on beta 1 (qt related) is that the menus in hebrew move to the 
opposite direccion with the keyboard. Is it fixed?


Utility is when you have one telephone, luxury is when you have two,
opulence is when you have three -- and paradise is when you have none.
                -- Doug Larson

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